Thursday, November 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Home again, home again, jiggedy jig! Love it!

I have the sandals soaking in oxyclean and detergent in the washer hoping it'll take the horrible smell out from all those days wading in the big puddles in town.

Craig scheduled an 8 a.m. appointment for us to sign some papers. UGH! But it doesn't matter because I woke up at 5 a.m. anyway! I'm on Central time. Then I'll run to Costco and buy memory sticks to get everything off this computer because it is ready to crash. Yesterday, when I turned it on, there was a Fatal Error screen and I thought all my trip photos would be lost. I was able to get it running again, but now the battery isn't charging and there's a pink line down the screen. So I'll get all my files off and go looking for my next laptop. This one is shot! I think all the moisture on Isla in addition to its prior woes fried it.

My camera's also going back because what good is it if the lens doesn't operate in a humid climate? We travel to Isla and Kauai! Not sure what to replace it with because I met other people with expensive cameras at Media Luna who were having the same problem. When you try to zoom, it zooms all the way out and shuts down. It's fine now, but I know next trip, I'll have the same problem.

On my morning walk yesterday, I took some cellphone photos, mainly in the mercado where I buy my morning O.J. I'm already missing those 10 peso bottles of fresh squeezed orange juice every morning! But I found a little package of Bimbo donuts in my bag and ate those!

Slug Bug on Juarez

Big papayas and fruit in the Mercado

My favorite fruit shop. I should have bought a bolsa!

Are these beets???

Mmmmmmmmmmmm. I'm dying for one of these already! BLT on ciabatta from The Elements.


  1. Soryy to hear about all your electronics problems--I have 2 Canon cameras--a point & shoot & DSLR--alaways take both to isla & never had a problem with either& I carry with me alot.
    I have enjoyed all your reports & photos--helping me pass the days til we go--only 2 more months!

  2. I never had a problem with my Panasonic Lumix. My next trip will be my first with the Canon G10, so I'm anxious to see how that will go. Hmmm...after hearing about your troubles, maybe I'll bring the Lumix along, too. Glad to see you made it back safe and sound. I'm thinking Saby was probably glad to see you!

  3. Yes Beck, those are beets. Yummy. we love them.
    Your sanal washing sounds like our routine. When ever we got back from Troncones, GRO Mexico, we would open our suitecases and just let them sit out in the freezing Alaska air for a few days before un packing. The all the creapy crawlies in that (then) little town, we didnt want to bring them into the house.

  4. Beck, those beets look gelatinous - WTF? We also love roasted beets and the greens, too.

    As for cameras, I'm with Deb and Ann on a Panasonic Lumix or a Canon. I used both all summer at the beach here with no problems.

  5. The camera is kind of the least of my problems right now. The computer died yesterday afternoon when I accidentally dozed off and left it on. I spent hours trying to get it back up. Finally this morning, I was able to get it back. I have two memory sticks and I hope those will hold the photos from the latest trip! Then I'll start looking for a new laptop. And then I'll do something about the camera!

    Chrissy, the smell came out of the shoes, but for how long I don't know! I bet those freezing Alaska temps worked really well! My son told me to freeze the sandals right after washing. That's supposed to do the trick!
