Saturday, November 14, 2009

As Seen on Isla!

I've seen Tarzan on Isla before, but never as frequently. One morning as a friend and I were walking up to The Elements for breakfast, the friend said, "Oh God, look who's here!" It took me awhile to realize he was referring to the distinctive vehicle, and yes, it is Tarzan's. It has that Mexican flag on the back which you can barely see in the photo.

I've seen photos of Tarzan in the early days, and I've also seen him walk down Hidalgo when he was a little bulkier and muscled. But I'd never noticed that he has the beach concession just east of Chimbo's until we stayed on Playa Norte. Someone will have to tell me how long he's been there because I've spent my time hanging on the Caribe side outside of town for a few years.

After seeing his sign on Playa Norte, I felt the need to get a closeup photo of Tarzan. But I'm shy about asking celebrities for their pictures and autographs. Ha! If you look closely at the photo below, that's Tarzan in the white trunks taken from on high.

As I was walking down Playa Norte post Ida one morning, Tarzan asked me if I would like a lounger and umbrella for 70 pesos. I should have told him that Mr. Chimbo next door gives me a single lounger and umbrella for 50 pesos. Anyway, I said I was just walking the beach. He said, "You WILL want to come back here after you've walked the beach because I have the best loungers and I am in the center of Playa Norte -- the best location." Actually, there was a faint whiff of a sewer smell in the air, but I didn't let on. It was my big opportunity to ask him to pose and give the yell, but I just couldn't get up the nerve! Dang!

P.S. I know I have a very warped sense of humor. (Cue the yell again!)


  1. Well this fact alone might drive me to see the Isla.

  2. Beck the Tarzan concession has been there as long as I can remember. I know for sure we rented floaty things from him in 1990. We always stay at Cabanas MDM so it was next door.

  3. When I first met him in 1990 Tarzan told me he moved to Isla from Veracruz when he was twelve. He's around 50 now, so I guess he's been on Isla about 38 years--or since the time period when Cancun was first being promoted and built. This was after Isla and Cozumel had already been "discovered" by Jacque Cousteau.


  4. He's an aging Tarzan, and has been there for 10 years at least - as long as I've been coming to Isla. He actually lives in a large, jungle-like lot near the south part of the island. Since there's no house there, maybe he sleeps in the trees?

    Just kidding - he does have the property but I don't know where he really lives. He's a nice guy, Miguel has known him forever.

  5. Jane again: Recently discovered your blog; enjoyed very much your refreshingly positive commentary, and the "web cam" photo of Tarzan, and all the beauty you captured and shared with those of us who miss charming Isla.

    Your beach glass photos brought back memories. I've collected beach glass since Hurricane Gilbert, and my friend and her husband have worn out suitcases and puzzled airport staff while hauling heavy treasure back to Minnesota, where she's turned those polished shards into fabulous works of mosaic art.

    And BTW, I think Tarzan might be flattered to pose with you in a photo.

  6. Are you serious that he is the Johnny M?? I have seen him a lot and had no idea. I didn't watch Tarzan, though so maybe that is why. WOW. You have a great blog and now I have learned something new!!

  7. Now that was fun - Tarzan! Beck, you discover many treasures, don't you?

  8. He was quite the lady killer in his day. The original "tiburon de calle".

  9. Well, I must really be missing something because I've never seen the guy. I guess I'm going to have to look out for him next time.

  10. Chrissy, you and Keith would love Isla. It's 4 hours to Cancun on USAir, and the island still has the funky atmosphere of 'real' Mexico that you enjoy.

    Jane,Jeanie, and Sue,thanks for the info. And Jane, I'm glad you commented and enjoy my blog!

    Anonymous, he's not the real Johnny -- just a guy who goes by that name on Isla. But maybe he could do the yell! : )

    And Wayne, I saw a photo from the 70's or 80's awhile back and the girls were hanging on him!

    And Vee, I always learn new things everytime I'm on Isla! HA!

  11. Deb, I used to see him stroll down Hidalgo once in awhile. I know who he is because a friend whose been around Isla for years pointed him out. And my source is a treasure trove of info about all things Isla! HA!

  12. Am I just lucky or what? Not to brag (or say too much), but I see Tarzan everywhere on Isla (altho not on North Beach anymore). And he still waves "Hi!" even though it's been a long time since he said, "Your daughter thinks I'm a dinosaur," and I laughed, because he and I both knew she'd just turned 18, and he'd just turned 40.

    I'll never forget the first time my eyes were temporarily blinded by the white sand on North Beach in 1990, and recovered just before my friend plopped down her just purchased $4 Mexican blanket right in front of Tarzan (who she'd noticed the year before).

    I'd like you to understand, my friend and I were only interested in looking at Tarzan, who said to me once, "Look but don't touch?" after I caught him looking. Yes, to rephrase Isla Gringo, Tarzan did seem to "earn his reputation the hard way," but I viewed him as more like a Moondoggie character--loveable hunk who knew (from experience?) not to go after girls under 18, or their mothers.

    Over the years Tarzan was always nice to me and my family and friends, while I learned about experiences 12-year-old Mexican boys shouldn't have to go through to stay alive. And because he was once one of them, I won't judge him, and still consider him to be an Isla friend.


  13. Jane, thanks for your personal story about Tarzan. He's really an Isla icon. When I was sitting at The Elements having breakfast, I noticed other people photographing his jeep. Next trip, I'll strike up a conversation with him!

  14. I have a picture with him! It went like this, "Zina (Xena) meet Tarzan, Tarzan meet Zina." He burst out laughing. It was the peak of Xena the Warrior Princess.
