Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Shades of Blue

I've always loved everything blue. My aunt and I used to joke while antiquing that I'd buy a thunder pot if it was blue! I think that's one of the reasons I'm in love with Isla. From doors to houses to the turquoise colors of the Caribe -- blue is everywhere!

A multi-hued blue casa.

The blue Dorado.

A blue candy store -- priceless!

Blue map.

Blue doors.

And blue gates.

A blue Bug.

A blue grave.

Even the street signs are blue!

I'll just call this one a blue hurricane.

Another blue casa.

A pale blue door.

And the blue Susanita. Wonder if it's as good as La Lomita?

And what could be better than the blue Caribe right outside your door!

It's all Heaven!


  1. hmmm, I never thought I liked blue. I am still more of a red person. But your posting has me re-thinkings blue.

  2. Blue is my favorite color. As always I enjoyed your photos!

  3. Great post, Becky! I love all the colors of Isla whether it's blue, orange or yellow--especially in the winter when everything is dull ( or white) around here!

  4. Another blue lover here. Great concept for a post, Beck!

  5. I agree about the blue, Beck. I can't even see turquoise anymore without thinking of Isla. Great shots!

  6. Great post Beck! If Isla could be described in one word, I would say BLUE.

  7. Thanks everyone! I'm already missing my home away from home!

  8. What a wonderful display of Blues. All the pictures tell me you had a great time in Isla.

  9. Bennie, I did have a great time despite the rain and hurricane! Wish I could hop a plane back there after Thanksgiving and spend a few weeks in early December. (But Craig might not be so happy about that!)
