Monday, November 16, 2009

Seaglass Back

I'm officially down for the count. I've diagnosed myself with seaglass back. Evidently the strain of all that bending and squatting, combined with the backpack full of bricks (actually seaglass and a laptop) that I drug all over the Cancun and Phoenix airports, has finally done my back in! The backpack was heavier than my duffle bag because I wanted to avoid paying extra for being overweight! (Thank God they didn't weigh me after all the guacamole and enchilada suizas I consumed!)

My back was just sore until Saturday morning, but I struck the final blow with my newly purchased bottle of Fabuloso from Walmart. I was so excited when I saw it on the shelf, and anxious to see if my house would have that smell if I mopped floors with it! So I tackled the mopping with my sore back and now it is locked! I could barely drive Craig to the airport Sunday morning, and now I'm walking around like a 90-year old woman!

In addition to the back, the laptop finally is permanently down for the count. I purchased an external hard drive on Friday and was able to pull all my photos and important files off. That was timely since it was the last time I was able to get the dang thing to start. It's now dead as a doorknob!

I decided to buy my next laptop at Costco since theirs come with a 2-year warranty automatically. In addition, they have technical concierge service where English is the native language. Not to be a snob, but it can be amazingly frustrating when you can't understand the instructions of what they're telling you to do!

Anyway, I'm back up and running online now. Unfortunately, I'm still down for the count physically. Michael's here and is taking Saby for walks. Hopefully, the stinky stuff I'm rubbing on my back (Ultra Bengue from Mexico with naproxen) combined with Advil and some exercises will get me up and running soon. Well -- walking, not running! : )

I snapped a few photos around the cemetery on Isla in one of the rain lulls last Saturday before Ida hit.

Actually, this first one was taken from Ixchel.


  1. You may enjoy becoming a member of Seaglasslovers, the largest online community on the net dedicated to Sea Glass Collectors of the world.

    Over 2800 members sharing 11,000 sea glass and beach photos, craft and display ideas, shard id, Sea Glass Anatomy, Sea Glass Color Wheel, beach locations and so SO much more!

    Membership is open to all and we are a Non Jewelry and Non Agenda site.


  2. Well, I marveled at your prowess in getting those kilos of sea glass! Sorry to hear there was a down side. I love the way medical ingredients are combined in Mexico, in ways that make good sense. You'll feel better soon, I wish it!

  3. Ouch, Beck! Get thee to a neuromuscular massage therapist asap! Look for a sports therapist - maybe gathering sea glass will become an official athletic event. Can't wait to see you and Jana compete in the Olympics! Seriously, try a massage. Works for me.

  4. Linda, thanks for the seaglass tip! I joined and it looks very interesting!

    Zina, I guess there's a downside to seaglass. I love that Ultra Bengue! No clue why they haven't approved it here in the U.S.

    And Vee, I may have to opt for the massage. I could barely make it down the block to the mailbox this afternoon.

  5. Ooh...I can relate to that back pain. It's a bad sign when it takes about two minutes to get up from a sitting position...or to get up out of bed. Hope you're up and around soon!

  6. I hate to hear about the bad back. I think you should be treated to a massage...
