Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pavo Wars

It's that time of year again. Starbuck's is serving pumpkin spice frappucinno's, Costco is baking the pumpkin pies, and the turkey price war is on!

Grocery chains in this area seem to use the pavo as a loss leader to get people into the store. But how low can they go! On Sunday, I just happened to notice an ad on the front of the paper for 37 cents a pound turkeys at Fry's. Oh my! Can't beat that with a stick! So tonight after Michael treated me to dinner at the Streets of New York, we stopped by Fry's. A 12 plus pound turkey for $4.51! Now that's a deal! And I thought my $8.00 turkey last year was a steal.

This year we won't be going over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house. After getting home last week from Isla, I decided the last thing in the world I want to do is travel. So we'll be home sweet home! I'm looking forward to roasting a turkey. Maybe we can eat it out on the patio! : )


  1. Great price! Around here the cheapest I've seen is 47 cents a lb--i bought one last week & already cooked it & went back over the weekend & got another one for later....We'll probably have steak on Thanksgiving!

  2. Many folks here shop over the border. Turkey is 29 cents at Tops this week. Too much turkey for me to deal with. I buy 2 turkey breast fillets and grill them.

  3. My husband retired from the Grocery industry after 31 years in the business. He was never able to pass up a turkey that as under 50 cents per pound. Needless to say, we have way too many turkeys and I confess to throwing them out when he wasnt looking so I could get some freezer space. Now, we have 3 freezers, but one has not been working right for about a year. I could no convince him to get rid of it or have it fixed. When the pavo wars started last week, I used it as a line in the sand. I told him no more turkeys until that freezer is fixed. I had a man her yesterday to fix the freezer.

  4. Wow! That's a steal of a deal! I paid 98 cents a pound at Wal-Mart. I should have done my shopping in Arizona!

  5. If you buy it, they will come! Just added 3 people to Thanksgiving dinner!

    Chrissy, I'm LMAO about the freezer. Once upon a time, we had the 'duck' incident at our house where I kept trying to toss the old frozen ducks and Craig kept retrieving them. I finally won the battle.

    Jeanie, that's a great price. I think 29 cents a pound wins the prize!
