Thursday, November 19, 2009

In the Nooks and Crannies

Every visit to Isla, I notice things I've never photographed before. This year was no exception.

Miguel's cool gourd lights! Makes me want to buy one for my house!

This trip, all the trikes caught my attention.

Every sunset's different! This one was taken down by Aluxes (that dreadful place!).

Love the neon look of Miguel's new bar!

The candy store has an old bench out front. Those people have a green thumb! All their old cooking pots are filled with flowers and plants! I love antiques!

Never noticed this sign before. Licoreria? Kinky?

A pepto pink wall and gate!

The wall next to Vivian's Qubano. I could use a Cuban sandwich right now!

I'd never noticed this stick hut at the back of the NaBalam property! Reminds me of all the little villages we passed through on the way to Chichen Itza. I wonder if the Big Bad Wolf could huff and puff and blow it down!


  1. Cool photos! I can't wait to take some of my own! But looking at the great ones you took has sure helped!

  2. You have a great eye for pictures. Now I'll have to go see if I can take some like you took. I'll be down there at Christmas. Sue said you stopped by to see her.

  3. I wish I could go back right now! I'd like to stay for a month! The hurricane and my malfunctioning camera kind of hampered the photo-taking a bit. I'm still trying to decide what to do about this camera. Works perfectly at home, but did not like the humidity down there!

    Bennie, I really enjoyed my visit! Loco is quite a charmer, but I'm a softy for a terrier face! Make sure to eat some of Sue's chicken enchiladas! Yummmmm!

    Some friends of ours from K.C. are visiting at Christmas and wanted us to come. Wish we could!

  4. I know what you mean, Beck. I've been there five times and I can always find new things to photograph. You're the only other person I know who has found my three doorways. Kudos to you!

  5. I love the gourd lights, and I am also a sucker for a terrier face. Really nice and unusual photos, Beck!

  6. Deb, there's a lot on that little side street to photograph! Those doors are so cute. I wonder what's behind the doors?

  7. You take the post interesting and creative photos...thanks for sharing them.
