Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Travel Day!

I love Isla, but I'll be glad to be back home tonight. Missing Saby, Craig, the arid Arizona climate, and just my old life in general. Homesick. It's been a total adventure, from beautiful 709 at Ixchel where we lived like rock stars, to the Rocamar and the crashing waves of the hurricane reverberating on the seawall, and on to the peaceful lovely Media Luna.

I'll head out around noon to the ferry for my trip home. There's a little bit of what my friend Ricardo calls chippi chippi (light rain and I have no clue how to spell it) in the air this morning. I took my morning walk down Medina past the Navy base. Boats are coming back into the marina again, the usual suspects were hanging out on the street corners, the cabs and scooters were pouring into town, parents were dropping their children at the elementary school, etc.... Just another day in paradise.

I snapped a few photos of my peaceful day yesterday.

And especially for Jana -- the pile of bootie from Playa Media Luna. Thank God for the litterers of the world! But I wish they'd restrict themselves to dumping glass. And please give us more red, pink, and blue bottles!


  1. Wow! That's quite a haul! Guess you'll be busy crafting & creating when you get home! Can't wait to see the results...

  2. You have a fantastic eye for photography Beck. They are some of the most beautiful photos of Isla that I've seen. I know you're happy to be home but we sure will miss reading about your Isla adventures. Thanks for the ride the past couple weeks.

  3. Your presence is a good influence on the island! Remember that and come back soon!

  4. Although we never got to the surprise store, there is always next time. Enjoyed meeting you in person. Your accounts of being on the island are always so refreshing - and eye opening - for me. Come back soon!

  5. Ahhhh...we are going to MISS your live reports from the island!

    Only 12 days until we get there though! Yippee!!!

    Hope you left me some sea glass...

  6. Oh, thank you! A pic just for me! I've so enjoyed your photos and on the spot weather girl reports. I know everyone at home will be glad to see you, too. Safe travels, mi amiga!

  7. Beck, you did a great job of keeping the hurricane away! Maybe you need to spend hurricane season in Isla. Thanks for all of your reports, and have a safe journey home.

  8. Wow!! Your trip reports were so very awesome. How generous of you to take the time away from the island to post your pictures and your thoughts. When I can't be on Isla, reading your reports and some of the others make it come alive. Its fun to hear from those who are just as crazy as I am about our own personal paradise. And I agree that your pictures are some of the best. THANK YOU!!
