Tuesday, October 20, 2009

They say it's my birthday!

It's my birthday! Well, almost! Tomorrow's my birthday, but I may not post then. Michael got home yesterday. He's here to babysit Saby while we're on vacation. He arrived bearing some new lightweight Ecco birthday sandals for me. They'll be perfect for my Isla trip!

I always think of my cousin Jon on my birthday. He was born on my fourth birthday and died before my 53rd. Since he exited life at the age of 48, it always reminds me to be grateful for every day and year!

I get my big birthday present on Saturday morning! : )

I like this version of the song!


  1. Happy Birthday & have a great trip! Can't wait to see lots of photos of your adventures!

  2. Whoo-hoo! Happy B-Day, Beck!! I know I don't have to tell you to have a great time...can't wait to see the pics!

  3. Happy happy birthday Beck! You are still in the Double Nickel Club. Once you enter you can't leave.

  4. Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Beck, and a fun, relaxing trip to Isla. Enjoy your new sandals - they look comfy!

  5. Happy Birthday Becky. Enjoy your trip; I'm sure it will be wonderful! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  6. Thanks everyone! I need to get down to packing today. My mother sent me a Happy 54th Birthday card, so I think that wiped 2 years off my actual age? Woo hoooo!

  7. Yay, Mom!

    Happy Birthday, Beck! Enjoy your present!!!

