Sunday, October 18, 2009

Treasures from the Sea

I spent yesterday working around the house again. I finally finished that seashell/printer's tray project and got it hung on the wall. And I found a special place in the collection for the little girl who grew to love the beach and seashells. She passed her love of shelling to me on our trips to South Padre back in the 80's. We'd roam the beaches before dawn getting our pick of shells as they rolled in on the waves. Sun, lots of fun, and seashells.

We'll be on that plane next Saturday morning to another beach destination. More sand, sun, and treasures from the sea! : )


  1. love the printers mom had one and she put the matchbox cars that my brother and I collected on it...then years later she gave it to my brother and sister in law for their den...always love the photos of your anteek-ing!

  2. What a cute project, Beck...I love it!

  3. Can't wait to see what you bring back!

  4. I had a printer's tray many, many years ago, which I filled with little do-das I collected. It looks great with shells in it!

  5. Thanks everyone. I hadn't hung that printer's tray on the wall in at least 25 years, but I really like it with the shells in it. And Jana, I can't wait to hit my stretch of rocky beach to see what I can find! I may look a little closer in the El Centro area this time, but it's only a short walk to my old hunting grounds. : )
