Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Think We May Have a Problem!

Actually, I think I may have a problem. I admit to needing a twelve step program to tear me away from making these domino pendants. I keep finding more vintage photos and postcards, coming up with new ideas, running back to the craft stores for new supplies -- it's insanity! I've become one of the Women of Michael's and JoAnn. A craft-bot. You know it's bad when I was actually thinking about buying myself a power drill for my birthday! Definitely a sad state of affairs.

Craig is thanking God that craft supplies can't be hauled to Isla. And I can't buy that stuff there! So my time by the sea can serve as a rehab! We'll see if it works.

Here's a sampling of the latest pendants from the factory. I'm still learning and trying to perfect.


  1. I think those pendants are magnificent! What do you do with them all? Do you have a market for them? If you are nice to me, I will show you a place in Cancun where you will go gaga over things to paste onto them.

  2. Those are really cute, Beck. I'm thinking you will be going crazy with new ones when you get back from your next trip to Isla!

  3. Wayne, right now I'm just experimenting and making them for friends and family. Once I get it all figured out and perfected, I may think about selling them. You've peaked my curiousity about that place in Cancun!

    Deb, I bet I'll get a lot of ideas on the island!

  4. Nice work, Beck. Those look great! Sounds like a shopping trip in Cancun is in your immediate future, lol!

  5. Take Wayne up on it Beck! Then we can all see what he's talking about and go gaga with you! I can't wait to see what you come up with after your trip.

  6. I want Wayne to show me that place too - a crafty person here too, and now that I'll have more time on my hands...

    And Beck - you and Scott should hook up - him with his pirate addiction and you with this - maybe pirate dominio necklaces?

  7. Sue, I think we may need to take Wayne up on this offer! I know my second week after Craig leaves will be pretty wide open! Sounds like fun! And maybe I should team up with Scott. Aargh aargh!

  8. Beck - I don't know how to email you but I am leaving the island for a few days, might overlap your time here. I don't want to put the dates here, I'll send you something from Bob's board.

  9. We all have our addictions. It could be worse than making domino pendants.
