Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Yucatan Tour!

I saw this video on You Tube and it makes me want to extend my October trip an extra month and take a long tour! Beautiful photography! Hope you like it!


  1. What a great video! I agree about extending the trip--so many towns I've never heard of that look interesting.....Will be watching the video over again & writing down some of the names!

  2. That was excellent. Nice by to get my Mexico fix in for the day.

  3. I am with ya....there are so many places that I want to see, but our trips are never long enough for me to leave our beloved Isla......someday soon hopefully!

  4. My problem is once I'm on Isla, I just don't want to leave. We spent a month on Isla in 2006 with the best of plans to at least take a daytrip to snorkel down in Akumal. It never happened. We did visit Chichen Itza and Valladolid on our first trip and got to climb El Castillo before they closed that off. Another trip, we spent three days in Playa del Carmen first (and we weren't impressed). One of these days I'll get to Merida and beyond.

  5. Cool promo video! I didn't notice Isla anywhere, though, not that that's a bad thing!

    Linda (Chica)

  6. I noticed that Linda, and that's a good thing as far as I'm concerned!

  7. That was great. I can see why you want to stay for a month.
