Monday, August 3, 2009

On the Road Again

Michael's back on the road again this morning headed to Montana and the Pacific Northwest. He'll be back in his old stomping grounds since he grew up in the Seattle area and we spent some time most winters skiing at Big Mountain in Montana. He'll return home again in late September for a few days, and then be back in late October to babysit the adorable Saby while we're gone.

Last night while Michael was packing up his stuff and loading the Ecco Golf Tech van, Craig and I took a bike ride. It's been so hot with extreme heat warnings everyday that we haven't been out much in the evenings. I took the camera along to capture the sunset. It was kind of unique!


  1. Gorgeous sunset! Thanks for sharing--haven't seen many sunsets around here because of all the rain!

  2. That's one weird video!!!

    Linda (Chica)
