Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Courtyard Tweeters

Yesterday I just happened to look out the window in the den into the front courtyard. Unbeknownst to Saby, who spends her afternoons napping in the den, we had lots of little visitors. She hates birdies, so I'm glad she hadn't noticed.

What you don't see in this photo is the line of five birds on the pavers waiting for their opportunity to perch on the chair. Bizarre. It looked like they were lined up for communion on Sunday morning. The minute I opened the blinds to take a photo through the window, the birdies in the queue flew away, but I guess the worshippers on the chair were too enthralled to move.

They also love perching on the fountain. I guess a swim on an infernally hot afternoon and some shade under the plants is probably the attraction!


  1. I finally got a quail block for the back yard and so far it has only attracted grackles, doves and tweeties.

  2. I'll never get over how beautiful your yard is. And now that I no longer have my "yard from hell," I can appreciate yours even more. The first Saturday after closing on my house, I woke up and thought to myself, "I don't have to mow the freakin' yard!!!"

    I also finally got around to viewing the video on your previous was great! And I really makes me want to explore other areas of Mexico. Well, I get two weeks off at Christmas again this year...guess where I will be going!

  3. Chrissy, I've seen quail out in this area, but not in our neighborhood. We get the sparrows, doves, grackles, and dreaded pigeons.

    Deb, thank you, but my yard now is not so beautiful. The extreme heat has done a real job on some of the plants. The backyard looks like someone took a blowtorch to the hibiscus shrubs! And there's a half dead tree out front that we'll probably replace in the fall. Yard maintenance is endless, and the extreme heat seems to get extended everyday by the weather forecasters. Now they're saying cooler (down to 105) by the weekend. It's too damn hot and dry -- literally -- to rain. The monsoon has evaporated!

    Glad you'll get to go back at Christmas! We're going in late October, so Christmas is probably out. Michael may go to Europe over Christmas. If he does, we need to go somewhere!

  4. How nice to look out and see this. Great pics.
