Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wiley Wabbit!

I've been in an exercise funk lately, once again with a bad knee I don't want to risk damaging more. So I've been opting out of my normal circuit training and spinning at the gym and taking morning bike rides instead. Most mornings, I head over to the regional park with the goal of catching one of these elusive jackrabbits on film. So far, no luck! By the time I spot one and get the camera out, it's long gone! But I do get a good laugh everyday when I see one as it's running away.

As I was riding out of the park this morning, a jackrabbit with huge ears dashed across an open grassy field leaping for joy. Right in front of me! I think he was jeering at me! One of these days, I'll get that wiley wabbit!

I did get one photo today I liked. Some little birds were perched on an ocotillo. They seem to love perching on all things prickly!