Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Long Dry Stretch

Believe it or not, I had not been to a movie in over a year! Probably the longest movie dry stretch in my life! Not sure what THAT was about, but yesterday was cloudy, Craig was going to be out late, I was bored out of my mind . . . you get the picture! I'd seen Julie and Julia advertised on television and thought it looked like something I'd love. So I jumped in the car last minute and headed to the local cinema. I might add, it's so close, I could ride my bike if it wasn't 105 degrees!

Well, I picked an excellent movie to break my long dry stretch. Meryl Streep is brilliant as Julia Child, and I loved all the scenes from Paris. I expected a movie solely about cooking, but it's so much more. A comedy, two love stories, a movie about finding joy and passion in life -- it's even about blogging! Here's a clip from a Julia Child special, Bon Appetit, that airs on PBS in August.

And here's a link to the movie trailer! (Sorry, embedding is disabled.)

I was so hungry after watching the movie, I had to get some carry-out! No French restaurants out here in Farmville, so I stopped at my favorite Chinese joint and got shrimp and vegetables and egg drop soup. Bon Appetit!


  1. Have heard lots of good reviews of this movie--maybe I'll go this weekend....

  2. I also want to see this on the big screen, and I can't remember the last time I went to the movies.

  3. From what I've seen Meryl Streep is wonderful in this part. The last movie I saw her in though was pretty bad.

    She is an amazing actress but WTF possessed someone to cast her in Mama Mia. She's not a bad singer but it's a freakin' musical! And Pierce Brosnan as the leading man! Nice to look at's a freakin musical! Not only are they not singers but they are both way too old to be the parents of a 20yr old momento of a teenage summer romance.

  4. Jeanie, I was a little disappointed with Mama Mia too. I agree about the singing skills, especially Pierce Brosnan! He was painful!

    Craig's going to be traveling a LOT in the next month, so I think I'll spend a lot of afternoons catching up at the cinema!

    Vee, when I had to answer the question about the last movie I'd seen in the theatre on one of those Facebook quizzes, it made me realize I'd given up one of my favorite things! Sounded like an answer to a depression quiz!

  5. Vee, you're so right. Blockbuster here! But I still like seeing some movies in the theatre.

  6. A party with cake & champagne, in honor of the Queen of Sheba! ROFLMAO Too funny!!!

    I'm gonna have to go see this one!

    Isla Chica

  7. I've been wanting to go see this movie. I'm glad to hear it's a good movie. I need to break my dry spell of about 9 months.
