Friday, August 14, 2009

Sunset Florals

It looked like a pretty sunset when I was floating in the pool the other night, but I was too lazy to dry off and take a bike ride to get the good shots. So I decided to snap a few photos from the backyard. Too bad my eyes don't have camera lens. Then I could have remained in floating mode and just blinked!

Sunset through the oleander tree.

Over the rooftops.

Through the Mexican bird!


  1. Really like the last photo--like them all, but favorite is the last one!

  2. They're all great, but I'm with Ann...that last one is a beauty!

  3. A third vote for the last one, although they are all wonderful shots.

  4. Make that 4!!! I actually like these sunset pix better than the one you have to bike to. They are beautiful and it's more like I'm in your yard.

  5. I like the second one because of the swirly colors.

  6. I love the third one also! You're very lucky to have views like that.

  7. My favorite is number three also! Thanks everyone!
