Saturday, August 15, 2009

This Car Stops for Antiques!

It always cracks me up when I see those bumper stickers. I hadn't been antiquing for at LEAST 45 days, so I decided to stop by the local antique mall. I was looking for a few items for a new project. I spent an hour and a half browsing the booths and had a blast. I found those items, but you'll have to wait until next week for show and tell. I'll take some photos if I manage not to make a mess of it! Meanwhile, here are some photos from Friday's trip.

Cool framed chalkboard.

These boots are made for walkin . . .

An old cornhusker.

Floral fancies.

Marble-topped ice cream parlor set.

House of Frames

My personal favorites -- Easter bunny toys.

White enamelware. I collect this, but the prices on these pieces were steep!

Beautiful chest with mirror. I'd like to buy it and shabby chic it white!

This tin Mr. Goodbar box made me hungry!

Cute child's wicker chair. My aunt had one of these when she was little.

A child's picnic table!

A Disney fire engine.

More white enamelware.

Vintage purse. Can't remember the price on it, but it was astronomical!

Last and least! This guy didn't come home with me. I hate clowns! Bah humbug!


  1. Love the wicker chair! Great looking stuff--if it's like around here, everybody charges an arm & a leg for "antiques" now!

  2. Great pics, thanks. And I'm with you, I hate clowns too; I just think they are so stupid.

  3. Oh, dont even get me started on clowns! I especially hate clowns that do magic and have sea lions in their act.

  4. Thanks for taking us shopping! What cool stuff! And I'm with everyone else on the clown deal. Even my kids hate them after seeing Stephen King's "It" when they were young.

  5. The only thing worse than a clown is a MIME! Chrissy, a clown with magic and sea lions! LMAO!

    Fortunately, I have as much fun now taking photos of the antiques as I do buying them. (Because I really shouldn't be spending money on antiques right now!)
