Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pretty Please?

Saby can't spend as much time outdoors this time of year as she'd like! Unless we're outside, I always worry that we'll forget her, and 110 degrees is way too hot for an old dog! She gets her play time when we're in the pool, but she spends a lot of time hanging at the doors, tail wagging, giving us the look.

Can I PLEASE go out and play!

You people are just NO fun at all!

One of the reasons I worry is because she doesn't bark to get in or out! She only barks when she sees other dogs or when people come to the front door. Her first owner trained her a little too well.

She had her own little Saturday night backyard campout in the late spring this year. I got up on a Sunday and noticed she wasn't hanging around waiting for her morning walk. I yelled for Saby and she didn't come. I finally opened the back door and in rushed a scared but excited Saby!


  1. She is such a cutie! We have a new lecturer in our department at the university where I work who moved from Phoenix. He said even though it's about ten degrees hotter in Phoenix than in south Texas, he is bothered by the heat much more here because of the humidity. On another note, he also told me he has to "short sell" his house because of the awful economy there.

  2. Such a pretty girl and of course she's well behaved!

  3. Deb, foreclosures and short sales dominate the real estate market here. That's because housing prices have dropped so much in the past two years, most people's loans are more than the house is worth. They already have a real estate sign up on the house across the street! I'm astounded. Usually it takes months for a foreclosure to go on the market, so I'm wondering if investors bought it. But I know the price will be at least $200,000 less than what the owners paid for it 2 years ago. That is FRIGHTENING! Texas heat has to be the worst. That's why all you Texans think Isla is just fine in the summer! I thought May on Isla was pretty bad!

    Jeanie, Saby is the most well-behaved dog I've ever had! She's more like a middle-aged woman than a dog!

  4. Beck,our two little ones have had to suffer through a few days without walks due to the heat, too. We're supposed to get a big break tomorrow. All of us hope so!

  5. OMG, Beck...$200,000 less than they paid?!? That's unbelievable! Howe do you get out from under that?? I was thinking maybe 20 to 30 thousand, but that's crazy. Those poor owners.

  6. Deb, I think that's why so many people are just walking away from houses. I tried to find out from a realtor friend what the house is listed for now, but it hasn't shown up on MLS yet. And Vee, a neighbor told me tonight that Phoenix set a new record this summer with 27 days over 110 so far.

  7. Saby looks like a really happy dog.
