Saturday, August 29, 2009

People of Walmart

Don't know if you've seen or heard about this, but here's a link to a funny blog, The People of Walmart, where you can submit photos of the alarming people (things?) you see at Walmart. They actually have a contest going. Here are the rules:

Wanted: Pictures of the most ridiculous and insanely disturbing people who call Walmart their home. I suggest venturing there after midnight to find that special someone. The top three pictures of the month will receive:

First Place: $100
Second Place: $50
Third Place: $25

When you submit your picture to, please include name, email, location, and do not forget to attach the picture. Winners will be posted and notified. Contest ends 10/10/09.

Hmmmm. Maybe I should start taking my camera to Walmart with me! They suggest going around or after midnight to capture the truly bizarre! Truthfully, I don't think I could stay up that late! We were in Sam's and Walmart tonight and saw a couple of likely candidates. The catch, of course, is that the photographer has to get the bizarre person's permission for the picture. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable approaching the insanely and ridiculously disturbed for his/her/its photo!

But I think I'll put a link to the website on my blog so I can get a good laugh evey day!


  1. OMG ! That is too funny! I actually sat & look back to the beginning of the blog!

  2. I should go to the store in my hometown. Bet I could find some winners there! Thanks for the link, Beck.

  3. LMAO! Isn't it odd that we can all go to our local Walmart and see the same folks no matter where we live? They're not open 24hrs here but I would be very afraid to go at night. I've seen too many scary people in the morning.

  4. I'm not bold enough to take the strangers photos or get permission from them. And after Midnight? I don't see that time of day unless Delta makes me do it and I whine about that for weeks after.

  5. Bennie, I'm not brave enough either. And the catch is -- will someone be coming up and asking to take MY photo! HA!
