Monday, August 31, 2009

Rooster on a Hot Tin Roof!

I personally think everyone needs a roof rooster! I feel like I have a speech impediment when I try to say that. Woof wooster. We saw this woof wooster on one of our evening bike rides recently. Fancy fella! Notice the head of the other rooster in the foreground. There were also roosters in the tree right below the roof. They were all staring at the rooster farm next door. (Yes, there really IS a rooster farm. It's a bizarre site to behold and more than a little noisy!)

So, I wonder if the boys on the roof and in the trees are escapees from the farm next door? Or maybe they're the sentinels in the guard tower?

The heat must have finally gotten to me if I'm posting about roosters! I can't believe today is August 31! Some of my friends here hate September because they say by the end of August, they're expecting it to cool down and September's still hotter than hell! After a record number of days over 110 this summer, I'll take days in the lo-100's as a gift! And September means we're just that much closer to highs in the 90's. : )

wooo hooooo


  1. We have a lot of farms around here, but I've never seen a rooster farm!

  2. My neighbor is Scottsdale had a Rooster for some time. I loved it. Then the coyotes jumped the 8 foot wall and got him.

  3. Ann, I'd never seen one either! We almost wonder if they're raising them for cock-fighting or something, but maybe they just grow roosters!

    Chrissy, those people are down a farm lane a half-mile from our neighborhood. Thank God because the noise is amazing. But I love the sound of a rooster, or two roosters. Or three. But there must be hundreds in that yard. By the way, it is thundering loudly and pouring right now. Saby keeps climbing up onto the leather sofa, and she NEVER gets on furniture. Woo hooooo! Finally, a monsoon storm!

  4. I've never heard of a Rooter farm. I always thought you only needed one of those fellas on the farm.

    It's really hard to believe it's September already. Enjoy the low 100's! It will get cool soon and before long you will hear the rest of us whining about winter again.

  5. Bennie, these people have to be raising them to sell. It must be the place from whence roosters come.
