Friday, August 28, 2009

Trusty Monsoon Tips!

Every month, I get a newsletter from our beloved landscaper -- the scoundrel we entrusted with our landscape design when the house was brand new and the yard was a blank dirt palate. If only he'd pay as much attention to actual real time customer service as he does to putting out these silly little monthly marketing ploys. Don't even get me started! Anyway, I got his August newsletter in my e-mail box this week and it included a link for Monsoon Healthcare. Hmmmmmm. I didn't know there were health concerns in Arizona unique to the monsoon? This paragraph grabbed my attention:

Monsoon has arrived and it is a right time to watch your food intake during this season. This season brings the excitement that makes you feel tempted to taste the spicy, road-side snacks but it also brings the germs and bacteria that may cause you health problems. Cough, cold, flu and water-born diseases such as cholera, gastroenterities are the frequently observed health problems during rainy days. Handle them effectively with your regular kitchen ingredients. A little care can keep the monsoon troubles at bay. Read more to know how eating right and maintaining hygiene will keep you fit and healthy.

Reading on, the author warns to drink boiled water, then recommends lots of home-cooked curries. So, if I'm understanding him clearly, I need to eat more of this in order to avoid cholera and gastroenteritis?

Geez, I guess my landscaper is really concerned that I could possibly contract some dangerous illnesses when wading through the monsoon flooded streets here in my neighborhood?

And if I'm understanding him, I should avoid street food like this in monsoon season. Hmmm. It looks really tasty, but I don't remember seeing this cart on my street!

Mmmmmmmm. How can I resist all this?

God knows, conditions on the street here in Phoenix, Arizona suburbia can get rather unhygienic this time of year, so maybe that spicy street food really isn't a good idea!

Gosh, how was his trusty assistant to know when she googled monsoon tips that she really should have included Arizona in those keywords. And I guess if she'd actually read the link, maybe the author's name, Prajakta Ambre, could have been another tip. Maybe she missed the cholera and curries. HA!

I really should e-mail him back and thank him for the Laugh of the Month!

(Now, all that being said, I got sick this week. Maybe he's right! If only I'd resisted the spicy roadside snacks, flooded pestilent streets, and boiled my water, I could have avoided cholera and gastroenteritis!)

1 comment:

  1. Where in the world did you get all these pics? Surely not from his e-mail letter. This was too funny reading it. Watch out for that spicy taco vendor.
