Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Terror on the Trail

Tee hee. Saturday, on that morning bike ride, we decided to take a whole new route down the canal trail that heads to the east. We'd never been that direction, primarily because there's a stinkin' dairy farm to the south of the trail. But the winds were favorable, so it was a good day for it. The first mile was fine. Some dogs we're familiar with raced down the fence line barking, but no problem.

Across Val Vista, in the next mile, we rode by a farm where they were 'growing' German Shepherds. I commented to Craig that maybe Radar could have wandered off from here? Four or five German Shepherds and a cattle dog came barreling toward the fence barking. I wasn't exactly freaked because there was a fence between me and the dogs. What we didn't notice was the open gate!

Three of the snarling shepherds bolted out of the gate onto the trail and gave chase. I screamed and Craig, of course, told me I shouldn't scream. Fortunately, they were all bark and no bite. They eventually turned and trotted back home. I'm sure they got their bike chasing fix for the day and I got my adrenaline rush for the month (year)! No time for photos!

We soon noticed that ahead on the canal trail, a fence blocked the access. It was a dead-end. Well honey -- no way I was turning around and going back past the Fightin' Fidos. Craig agreed. We found a way around the fence and trespassed for the next half mile. Crisis averted!

After I regained my composure, I managed to take a few photos on the ride back home. (We took the main road home!)

The farm lanes out here always have Western cowboy names -- Spur Road, Mustang Lane . . .

Black-eyed Susans grow wild all along the roads.

Anyone else see the irony in this Street of Dreams 2008 sign? How about Street of Lost Dreams! It even has an abandoned partially built fountain! It was supposed to be a neighborhood of million dollar homes when they slapped the sign up in 2007.

Craig was luring me closer to see the fountain covered with black widow webs when I noticed the rocks were also inhabited by a bee swarm. And we were outta there!

Once back in the neighborhood, we checked on our feathered friends. A neighbor pointed out to us that Taffy and Daffy are getting so fat, they look like geese! Fortunately, they've bonded with the Brown family -- the mallards. And Daffy, the white duck that wasn't eating Friday night, is now fine. He's the fattest one of all, so maybe he was just full? One of the mallards is the duckling from a few months ago all grown up. And we can't even tell which one it is now! But I'm glad the White's and Brown's are all one big family now!


  1. Glad you made it home! Nice to see Daffy and Taffy doing so well. My little local gaggle (can you say that for ducks?) are getting big too. Mommy Denise Ducky is trying to teach the little ones (who are getting pretty big) that they will soon have to dive for their own fish. She is getting smaller while these almost grown babies expect her to feed them. Teenagers!!!!What can I say?

  2. What a dangerous life you live. I think you're going to be the next James Bond. I love your blog!

  3. Jeanie, I don't know what you say for ducks? I associate gaggle with geese, but probably just because it sounds good!

    And Jana, I lead such a BORING life! I get bored just READING this blog! HA!

  4. I would have trespassed too if I had dogs after me. The ducks look like they are doing quite well.
