Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hotter than Hades!

Okay, I hate to whine, but what I wouldn't give to hear this sound! The weather is finally getting to me! Here in the Phoenix area, we've been under an extreme heat watch for days on end with temps over 110 degrees. Everyday, the end of this infernal heat wave gets rolled forward a day or two. Now they're saying relief by Friday with highs then dipping down to 105. And overnight lows in the 70's. I'll believe THAT when it happens! It's literally too hot to rain once again. The clouds evaporate before they get to the valley.

Yes, summertime temps in Phoenix are HOT, but once the monsoon arrives sometime in July, temps usually start moderating down below 110. Lo 100's aren't bad. Above 110 is much harder to take! And it seems like we've had a long string of it!

I snapped a photo of some dramatic clouds brewing to the south around sunset this evening. An hour later, we took Saby for a walk and fed Taffy and Daffy. About half way through the walk, I noticed a line of lighter colored clouds low on the horizon to the south. Dirtstorm! I jogged back home because I can think of nothing worse than being caught out in one of those. And I don't jog because of my knees! We managed to get inside before the blowing dirt hit, but I still got the scratchy eyes and headache from all the dust in the air.

I'm thinking of escaping for the day on Saturday and going up to Prescott to look around. Predicted highs there are supposed to be in the 80's. That would be such a relief! Hopefully, I can talk Craig into it!

I think I'll go take a cold shower! Actually, there's no such thing as a cold shower in Phoenix in the summer! The plumbing runs through the attic, and it must be 150 degrees or more up there! Maybe I could house trade for a week with one of you on the East Coast who hasn't had summer yet!

P.S.!!! My late night whine did something. I decided to buck up and take a walk this morning, despite the fact it was already 90 something. After a mile and a half when I was deciding a walk was a stupid stupid idea (no shade!), cloud cover moved in over me. I thought I heard thunder, but then decided it was construction noise or my music. Lo and behold -- a block away from home it started sprinkling! And there's a light rain now. Maybe it'll keep the temps below 110 today! (Dream on!)


  1. I've got the room anytime you want to come! We've actually gone 3 days without any rain--at least here--there were scattered showers around last night but they missed us!

  2. That's brutal weather, Beck. Hope it breaks soon - really does sound like hell. We're finally having summer here - hot, MUGGY, thunderstorms almost every afternoon.

  3. I can't say it is a lot cooler down here in Dallas (although it isn't THAT hot), but you are welcome here too!

    We had HUGE storms north of us last night (Jana probably got some) and the wind was wicked....but then they dried up before getting to our's a curse in our neighborhood!

  4. I can definitely relate to that here in South Texas. Everyone's pretty much given up on ever seeing rain again. It's not quite as hot here as it is in Phoenix, but it's still HOT!

  5. I'm glad you got a little relief and a sprinkle. I have worked in Las Vegas a lot and 100-105 is about right, 105-110 is a little tougher but it takes your breath away much above that. I guess you get used to it after a while.

    This week in Houston it was over 100 almost every day. The difference is we had humidity so it was like being in a steamer.

  6. Bennie, I bet 110 and dry feels better than 100 and humid in Houston! Ugh! It probably feels like 90 something in the Yucatan. I call it jungle heat!

    And Deb, I'm beginning to wonder if we'll get any appreciable rain from the monsoon this year? I've noticed mosquitos aren't bad at all this year -- probably because there's no water!

  7. Ann, thanks for the offer! Vee, I bet you have lightning bugs too. I love lightning bugs because it reminds me of childhood!

    And Donna, we have the same curse in our neighborhood. I think we're in the rain shadow of the San Tans or something! And I saw those weather alerts in Dallas mentioned on the evening news. It looked nasty.

  8. I love that drive up to Prescott, and then down the other side to Sedona. I used to have a client in Prescott and never minded the amount of time it took to get there - just driving up those mountains with the windows down and the only sound was the whisper of the tires on the road. So pretty.

  9. Sue, I'd never driven that road between Prescott and Jerome until a few years ago. I took a daytrip to Jerome (south of Sedona)with girlfriends and we came back through Prescott. Beautiful! Craig has to spend the weekend getting ready for sales meetings this next week, and then starts traveling the next week. So I guess the weekend trips will be put on hold for awhile. I'll survive. The high today is supposed to be 103 and that is SO nice compared to 113.
