Friday, August 7, 2009

Got My Wish!

Well, at least partially! If I had my druthers, I'd wish for a day with high's in the 80's, overnight low's in the 60's, but I think that's late October? The overnight temperature last night dipped into the lower 80's. When I got up this morning, I stepped out on the patio and knew it was an ideal morning for a bike ride. Especially since my bad knee is swollen right now -- but that's another post!

Listening to Govi on the new phone, I was deluded into thinking I was in Seville for a moment. (Tongue firmly place in cheek!) Actually, this is a neighborhood behind us that has rather elaborate entrances. We thought the towers were pretty bizarre when we were looking at houses in that neighborhood, but they've kind of grown on me!

The morning lineup at the neighborhood lake is back. Actually, they call these water interests lakes down here in Arizona, but I think we called something that size a pond in Washington State. Craig calls these submarine ducks because they sit lower in the water and like to dive.

And here's my favorite mule waiting for me at the fence down the farm lane. Mules always seem to be lonely, standing away from the other horses in the pasture. Maybe he needs a breath mint? But look at those ears! I wonder if they feel furry or like a wire brush? Someday I'll have to check it out. We've never given this mule a nickname. Maybe he should be Radar II?

It's a new day! Highs are only supposed to be 105! Woo hooooo!


  1. I know! it was get I had breakfast out on the patio and watched the cats chase each other.

  2. It was in the 50's here this am! love the entrances & the ducks!

  3. I Love the pictures of the mules when you post them. It makes me smile. Now I know you are fond of Radar II. Everyone needs a name so why not.

    Great Pics.

  4. You know how much I love that mule. I can't get enough. How about Muxes for a name. Wayne posted about the Muxes of Juchitlan yesterday and I was curious so I googled it...WOW! Given the uncertainty of a mule's gender Muxes (Moo-shay) AKA Moo-Moo-Bum could work.

    Love to Daffy and Taffy

    and of course my darling Saby XXXX

  5. Chrissy, the only downside is the pool. I love it at 86 or 88 degrees, and I bet it's cold this morning!

    Ann, 50's sounds wonderful! Bennie, I missed the best photo of that mule. One morning riding my bike, I met an old woman riding it along the irrigation canal. I didn't have my camera, and I might not have had the nerve to take a photo anyway.

    Jeanie, I kind of like Moo-shay. I have some bad news about Daffy or Taffy (Can't remember which is which.) When we went to feed them last night, one of them couldn't seem to get its mouth around the little chunks. We're hoping whatever the problem is will work itself out. Hope she doesn't have something stuck in her mouth. :(

  6. Craig took a look and he wondered if that's a mule or a donkey? Hee haw, hee haw, hee haw! Hmmmmm???
