Saturday, August 8, 2009

Nice Set Up Except for the Smell?

Craig and I were out on our morning bike ride and he was explaining to me what a sweet deal this is between a stud and his little filly. Actually, I'm just lookin', and this might be two STUDS! Whatever! Anyway, you swat my face and I'll swat yours. Keeps those flies off! Only problem might be the smell from having another horse's ass in your face?

Shortly after I'd taken the first photo, that stud gave me the LOOK.
Cue Mr. Ed:

Damn turistas! Why don't ya take a picture? It lasts longer!


  1. Cheese&Crackers Beck! Now I have a new weird thing to think about. I would assume that like all living things, some would be homosexual.

  2. OMG! I didn't mean to say that homosexuality is weird but in the animal world, if you are supposed to breed......

  3. Ha Jeanie! Craig said horses stand that way all the time to swat each other's flies! I'd never noticed it until he pointed it out to me!
