Monday, March 16, 2009


Well, today's the big day. Up at 6 a.m. and off to worky worky! I'd tell you what I'm doing, but then I'd have to kill you. Tee hee. Not really, but I am doing something where I had to sign a confidentiality agreement and I'm not supposed to talk about it! I'll try to keep up with the blogging, but you have to know it won't be quite as consistent! See ya later!


  1. Love the song! Hope you had a great 1st day!

  2. Hope work goes well for you, Beck!

  3. Good luck at work today Beck! I like the new picture on your header.

  4. I hope you have a great day! How exciting to do undercover work! LOL

  5. Hope you had a great first day! I'll have to say you really have me curious with this "top secret" stuff. I know...they're paying you to blog! Ha! Wouldn't that be great?!

  6. Thanks everyone. I'm back! And it was kind of fun! I leaped through a hurdle today and qualified on my first of three tests, so that means I'm assured work on this project! Woo hoooo!

    It really reminds me of "The Office", so maybe I'll have some humorous tales of various personality types! Tee hee.

    And Deb. It's nothing thrilling! No security clearance and NOT the federal government (that would be the job to have nowadays!). Just a confidentiality agreement.
