Sunday, March 15, 2009

Desert in Bloom

We took a little bike ride over to the park on Saturday and I got some cool pics! The desert wildfowers are all in bloom!

I'd never noticed this lane across the road!

Not sure, but I think these are globemallow?

This cactus is on lifepole support!

I didn't have my book with me, but these might be brittlebush.

Baja Fairy Duster!

These tall palms are extremely expensive. The neighborhood to the west of us (another developer gone belly-up) has these around the perimeter. Wish I could afford them around my house!


  1. Great photos! Lots of plants I'm not familiar with--guess they don't grow in the frozen northeast!

  2. "This cactus is on lifepole support!" Ha! Good one! I love your new header photo.

  3. Thanks Ann and Deb! And Ann, I'm not familiar with a whole lot of the desert plants. Only those I planted in my yard.
