Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Monday Update

Beck's First Day at Work

Gosh, I learned a LOT on my first day of work. Get there early for a decent parking place. Always wear the badge. Paperwork paperwork. And watch out for that little miniature leaf blower they insert in newbies' ears to blow all the brain cobwebs out! YIKES! The collection of dust bunnies that blew out my other ear was fairly amazing!


  1. I didn't know you had a web cam in my office... That hampster is just how I feel every day. I run in place and never get anywhere.

    And as for the cobweb blower... Wow all I got was a "pee in this cup" as my Welcome. Now come on, you want me to hit a cup.. I'm a guy... We can't even hit a toilet bowl, little alone a small cup.

  2. Bennie -- LOL! At least I didn't have to pee in a cup! Good thing, because I can't give on demand!
