Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Future's So Bright

When I emerged from the lockdown (JUST KIDDING) at lunch yesterday to have my pasta salad, I noticed I was the only one out of five women at the table who had on sunglasses. It was midday in the bright Arizona sunshine! Didn't anybody else get the memo? You know, the one that says you need to protect your eyes from those bright rays? The one that says UVB rays that burn the skin can damage the eyes? You'll get cataracts! Believe me, I KNOW what cataracts are! Despite my diligence with the sunglasses, I already have them big time! My eye doctor says I'll probably qualify for the insurance paid surgery in another five years.

Growing up in Kansas, I don't think I ever wore sunglasses. Well, maybe occasionally, if I wanted to make a fashion statement. I think the shades became a necessity for me in the 20's when I started to worry about getting early crow's feet. Once we moved to the Northwest, there was something about the glare, even on drizzly days, that made me whip them out. So maybe I'm like a little varmint emerging from a hole in the ground everytime I step out my front door now? Blinded by the light? Sunglasses are a necessity for me now because of the cataracts. According to my eye doctor, my eyes are ulta-sensitive to the light. I sometimes get unbelievable headaches (especially on Isla!).

So what's up with all these middle-aged people down here in Arizona who don't wear sunglasses?


  1. You are so right and I keep forgetting the memo! Thanks for reminding me :)

  2. Zina, somehow I think it may be that people in bright climates have eyes that have adjusted? Maybe it doesn't bother them, but it might damage their eyes? Just speculation! I didn't see a whole lot of farmers in the Midwest growing up who wore sunglasses (but they did wear hats)! I think living in the Northwest may have made me ultra-sensitive to light?

  3. I didn't know that sun caused cataracts. I thought it was an age thing. Frank had one done 2 years ago and now the other eye needs surgery. Once again I am appalled that you pay all that money for health care a have to beg for treatment.

  4. oh I like the sunglasses photo...

  5. I'm with you on the sun glasses. I wear contacts and I think it makes my eyes more sensitive to the light.

    You keep those shades on Beck. They look great on you.

  6. Beck, in the early 1990s I worked Saturdays at a local garden center. The owner wouldn't allow employees to wear sunglasses. He said sales people needed eye contact with customers.

    I ignored that rule and wore sunglasses all the time, pushing them onto my head so that I could make the required eye contact when speaking with a customer (which actually made sense, as long as the employee has some discretion.

    You are so right about the damage sunlight can do to vision. I thought many times about talking to the owner about that archaic policy.

  7. Jeanie, one of the shadeless women at lunch just had her eyes corrected! I'd think she'd want to protect her investment! And insurance in the U.S. sucks! Scott, I included the sunglass picture just for you -- ha! Thanks Bennie. I used to wear contacts and I think that did make me more light sensitive. And Vee, I wonder if an employer would still get away with that! But I do kind of understand the eye contact thing.
