Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another Desert Flower

Caninabis Saby -- Early morning golden bloom which quickly fades in afternoon hours. Plant prefers frequent watering and feeding, and requires shade in extreme summer heat. Hardy in any zone.


  1. LOL...good one, Beck. I can't believe she's sleeping on those hot rocks...especially with all that fur!

  2. That would be our dog, too! He has taken to curling up on the tile floor in our sloar room when the sun is out.

  3. That poor dog. He must have passed out from the heat.

  4. I think Saby is the most photographed dog in AZ! I know she is the most beautiful.

  5. Yes, Miss Saby IS the most photographed dog in Arizona! She loves to lie in the sun this time of year, but once the 100's hit, she stays in the shade. Bennie -- LOL! Thanks everyone!
