Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Freak Out!

Yikes! Did you ever have one of those wrong way moments?

I was like this kitty . . .

until I realized it was a convoy of trucks pulling their clones!


  1. OK I admit it took a few moments to figure out the truck thing. Love the kitty!! Freaky a$$ crap like that shouldn't be on the highway. I hate driving behind those trucks that are hauling a big load of cars. I keep looking at the one facing me way up there aimed at my windshield.

  2. Be careful out there, Beck. Hope you're home safely soon!

  3. Jeanie, it took me a couple of minutes. At first glance, I thought holy ##it! Vee, we got back Monday evening, so I'm just playing catch up. (With the sniffles acquired from a clerk at a gas station in New Mexico. I ALWAYS have to assess blame for these things! Ha!)
