Thursday, January 22, 2009

Goin' Down in a Blaze of Glory!

The sun was setting as we pulled back into the Phoenix area on Monday evening from our long road trip. I managed to get some pretty decent photos from the speeding bullet train. (Actually, there's no place to pull off and take photos on that road without risking 'bug on windshield' syndrome, so please excuse the bugs on windshield!)

This one looks like a watercolor!

Red Mountain!

Lots of cars headed out on the Beeline!

And a couple of sunset snaps in New Mexico.

Keep on truckin'!


  1. Those are beautiful. I'd love to go back to New Mexico someday.

  2. Those are great. I esp love the red mountain. You could frame that! Welcome Home!

  3. Glad to hear you guys are home safe and sound. The pictures are incredible!

  4. Steve, I wrote President Obama this morning and nominated you for Vista Czar! A chicken in every pot, a new Vista operating system on every computer! And I love all the headers on your blog. My fave was Mt. Rushmore!

    Vee, New Mexico is beautiful, but it's hard scrabble poor once you get into the rural areas. I still haven't gotten to Santa Fe and Taos. Craig hit there a lot in his business travels, so it's hard to make him veer off the interstate.

    Moonie, Craig told me it was Red Mountain. One of these days, I need to have some of my photos framed.

    And Jeanie, it is SO good to be home. It's a little cloudy today, but still in the 70's. I'm lovin' it! :)
