Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Antique Roadshow

Craig and I decided (actually, I suppose it was my idea) to stop and smell the roses on our trip home. Sunday, we spent an hour in one of my favorite Oklahoma antique malls -- Southwestern Antiques in Weatherford, Oklahoma. The place is huge and chock full of fun antiques!

Southwestern Antiques, Weatherford, Oklahoma

Old Iron Bed

Ferris Wheel Plant Stand

Lots of Garden Antiques!

And loads of cool stuff throughout the entire shop! I loved the little patio table in this photo, but once again, there wasn't enough room.

More cool displays!

A McCoy crocodile planter!

Kind of sad the Beatles are antiquated!

Cool watering cans!

Kitchen stuff.

Saby watches us loading the loot!

My Sunday roadshow finds! Everything was on sale!


  1. Oo! Cool stuff! I have a scale like that, too. It was a baby scale in a doctor's office. I'll post a pic of it sometime. Saby looks so cute amidst the antiques.

  2. What you going to do with the slop jar?Ha!

  3. I love the idea of antiques in the garden. I'll keep that in mind for spring. I would scoop up Saby in a heartbeat.

  4. Frank -- slop jar??? Oh my God! I made chili in it last night. LOL
    Jeanie -- Saby's a really easy dog. For an adopted dog, we really lucked out. And Moonie, I didn't even look at it, but it says family scale. So it probably had the attachment for weighing babies. I have kitchen cabinets where you display stuff on top, so it all goes up there.
