I took the Kodak to Isla last time, but only with rechargeable batteries. The battery charger and the two batteries not in the camera were evidently confiscated from my checked baggage, so I took very few photos. The camera also takes lithium batteries, so I bought some at Sam's yesterday. I powered the thing up and there they were -- the missing photos from the January 2011 trip!

Got any steak? Anything? Just a little bone for me?
Enough already! You again? Can't a girl get some sleep around here!

Move your hand down just a little more!

Another day ends, and another trip begins! See you on Isla!
Have a safe trip!
Beck, I don't know how many batteries you bought but I would suggest splitting them up between your various bags, carry ons and even your purse. I have been hearing more and more stories about people getting their batteries 'confiscated' there doesn't seem to be an actual rule available about how many you can bring.
Jeanie, you're right. The rules state that lithium batteries can be carried in carry-on's where they're tightly encased, but not loose in checked baggage. But there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to when/how they're confiscating them. Craig's going to take some, I'm going to take some -- all in carryon.
Ann, safe trip for you too, and we'll see you on the island. I want to make sure I meet Sandy this trip!
Have a great time! Can't wait to see all the photos taken!
Yeah... your charger & batteries were "confiscated" by someone who wanted them!!! Jackazzes!!!
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