good eats

just happy
Good weekend! The weather was unusual and stellar for June in Phoenix. A cold front (don't laugh) brought us high temps in the 80's and 90's with overnight temps in the lo 60's. We slept with the windows open, swam in the pool, dined with friends, played with Saby . . . it's all good!
Disclaimer: Craig says my blog makes my life look like all fun and no work. I left out the photos of us cleaning the house and pool on Saturday morning, and me cleaning carpets on Sunday.
Glad you had a good weekend, Beck. We're having Isla weather here. Guess it's good practice for September!
We don't want to believe that you ever work or that Saby isn't always smiling. From my blog, you'd think I was always traveling, cooking or bitching. Hey, wait! I am!!!
Hi Beck,
Love and greetings from Baton Rouge! We stumbled into your Blog World several months ago, and have enjoyed following your adventures. LOVE the new layout! Looks amazing.
- Lala P
Lala, I'm one of your biggest fans! I think you WILL be the next Samantha or Anthony Bourdain!
Jana, I predict you will be traveling, but hopefully not bitching, in a few weeks. And hopefully not cooking either. Well . . . we will have a kitchen on the 7th. Maybe we should just serve Catz some taco soup and I'll make some margarita ice cream!
Vee, I should be outdoors today so I can start getting adjusted for the humidity/heat blast in a few weeks, but I'm not. I'll cross that road (and throw myself in the Caribe) when I come to it!
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