Back to the subject of my favorite shop in Sedona, Spirit Wind Gallery. This is the place with the giant Mr. Clucky out at the roadside. When we arrived in Sedona, our room wasn't ready, so we decided to head there first. Craig likes the place as much as I do! Most of my shopping is of the 'just looking' variety because I could easily drop a mortgage payment in this place and still have a long wish list!

Always wanted one of these to hang!

I told him if he put on the stupid hat, I'd post it on my blog. But oh no, he wouldn't listen.

I wouldn't mind having my own Mr. Clucky. Do you think I'd get an HOA complaint letter if I put it out front in the courtyard?

Classy shops always have cats. But I wouldn't dare take it home. That wouldn't be Saby's idea of a proper homecoming gift!

Now this is more like it! If bucks were unlimited, I'd take one of these home.

And definitely this colorful ornate church to spruce up my plain clay collection.

And this nativity scene is adorable.

I'll take one of these too!

I could use a bread basket for the table!

And a table runner to put under it!

The garden room with its collection of pots and cacti is to die for! I'd take anything and everything from there, including the rustic walls and floor!

Next project -- take a rustic pot and put a cactus in it for the nook table!
I absolutely love this cross planter!

And yes, I did take home a smaller version of this mosaic shell turtle. It's guarding the family room seaglass bowl!
More hanging pots from the garden room.
The wagon wouldn't fit at my house, but I'd definitely love to have all the pots, especially the blue floral Talavera!

I'd even take one of these skulls!

If I was ever home on Halloween, I'd definitely want one of these!

I hate to be picky, but if you're choosing a gift for me, I WILL pass on the bull. He looks like an angry little man. They need to seatbelt him into the wagon!
I'll take one of each! Love the shell turtle, maybe not so much the skulls!
I'm with you, I'll take most of it, since you're asking. Also, that one photo has a tubular nest in it? Or is it a plant?
What a fun place to shop! I wanna go there! I love all your choices...and would also pass on the bull.
It's like shopping -- but you take a pic of it instead of taking it home and it's free! Love the turtle...good choice.
Whoa! Love that chicken! I may have to locate that gallery.
Sue, I finally figured out the tubular nest. I think you're right! And Jana, exactly! Photos are free. There were areas of the gallery where I didn't take photos because it's not allowed in the areas with the true artwork. They had some amazing artists on display! Deb and Ann, I'm regretting not buying a few other things, but my money tree isn't producing right now. : )
Sierra, I'm glad you posted again. I saw your other comment last night on your dad's watercolors. My husband, Craig McHugh, lived next door to your parents in Dodge City, Kansas. Craig was a year younger than your brother Mark. Your dad gave the two watercolors to Craig's parents back in the late 50's or early 60's. Craig's mom and dad had them hanging in their house. Craig's mom died in January 2009, and when the family was dividing up the household goods, we asked for the two watercolors. We love both of them! I need to have the mountain scene rematted and reframed. The internet really makes it a small world! : )
The internet does indeed make it a small world. I remember the McHugh family in Dodge City very well. Orvalee was my best friend. Mark and Craig would race around on their tricycles making vroom, vroom noises. All us baby boomer kids would tear up and down the street in clouds of dust, much of it sticking to ourselves, to our mothers' disgust.
Send me an e-mail at and we can catch up.
Kay Teeters
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