Then there was yesterday. As I was getting ready to leave for work, my huge stainless refrigerator started spitting ice cubes. It was like a scene from I Love Lucy. I was grabbing towels and buckets trying to collect them, but the fridge was definitely winning the battle. After about five minutes, I was able to figure out how to lock the dispenser on the front of the fridge and turn off the ice maker. But I still worried it would start again and I'd return home after 10 hours to a flooded kitchen. I finally abandoned ship and left for work.
After worrying all day about what I'd find when I returned home, I walked in on a mess of a different sort. And it was so much worse! Saby had been sick and the place smelled like a bad care home. OMG! So I spent almost an hour mopping up. When I walked out back afterwards to get some fresh air, I noticed the yard is just chock full of new blooms.

White hibiscus.

I had no choice today but to leave Saby outdoors while I was at work. While most dogs would be happy to run free in the backyard all day sniffing and barking, Saby evidently saw it as extreme punishment. When I got home tonight, she didn't bother to greet me. She sat staring at me giving me the look. I'm not feelin' the love!
She perked up considerably and smiled throughout her evening walk, but she'll have to stay outdoors again tomorrow until her little problem subsides. I think I'll wait and let Craig arrive home first. I can't take the rejection again. : )
So sorry about your wave of problems. Hoping Saby is better and you just keep enjoying the flowers.
Beck, I'm glad you saw the humor in the ice cube incident. LOL! Hope Saby is all better now. Your flowers are beautiful!
Friday's coming!! Your flowers are gorgeous. Bird of Paradise are one of my faves.
I decided to leave Saby in the house today because I couldn't take that 'look' again! She made it fine, so I think her troubles are over.
TGIF tomorrow! The first project is supposed to end sometime this next week. I'm hoping to get a day off before the next one starts on the 26th. Keep your fingers crossed!
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