This weekend, we took a walk over to the local park. I thought I'd have some fun with the photos since it's desert -- brown on brown.

Sorry, but I couldn't resist turning the lake orange. Veterans Park is a new City of Chandler facility. It's a nature preserve/water recharging facility with a learning center and also a neighborhood police station. The park has different basins to hold water at various times, but the main lake above is always full. People walk, fish, bike, bird watch, etc... It's a nice bonus because we had no idea we'd end up with a park like this so close to our house. It was a big dirt field when we moved here.

Craig, Saby, and the purty pink cactus. I think Miss Saby is laughing!
Craig and Sab chatting it up with a fisherman. And no, he hadn't caught anything.

Ducks have also found their way to the lakes. We see birdwatchers decked out in full Wally Cox regalia with binoculars, tripods, cameras, etc... for weekend nature walks. It amuses me because our neighborhood across the road has about 20 times the waterfowl in the common area lakes. There are also supposed to be scorpions, snakes, etc... in the park, but thank God I've never seen them. I hate to say it because I'm afraid I'll jinx myself, but so far, I've seen no scorpions at our house. I worry about that scenario a lot since I'm bug phobic. When we first moved in, I collided with a black widow on the family room couch. That was not one of my better days. Tee hee.

This waterfall looks a lot better in lavender. (It's muddy water.)
And last of all, a prickly pear cactus. They get really big. And dangerous!
(I've been pricked.)
Great photos Beck! What a pretty park. That prickly pear cactus will now appear in one of my nightmares. OUCH!
Jeanie, I accidentally got too close to one at the nursery. I spent hours with tweezers getting all the little needles out of me.
The one with Craig and Saby and the lake and the one with the prickly pear both look like really cool vintage postcards. Good work!
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