Tee hee. Well, not exactly major. But I've been waiting for an excuse to use that leg lamp photo and that favorite quote from The Christmas Story for quite awhile. By the way, you can buy the lamp online for $139 and the wooden crate for $199.
Anyway, in January, I got a letter from the people at http://www.schmap.com/ saying a photo of mine of the Hanalei pier had been shortlisted for possible inclusion in their 2009 Kauai guide. I got an e-mail today letting me know that the photo had been selected. Here's the link to the photo in the guide, and this is the photo they included.

Congratulations! Had you submitted it or did they find it on the web? That's great!
Thanks Ann. They found the photo on Flickr. And there's no money involved -- just the photo credit in my name.
Good job, Beck!
That is VERY MAJOR!!! Congrats!!!
Thanks Vee and jeanie! But jeanie, definitely not major! Ha!
Way to go Beck. Good to see you get an award you have some excellent pictures. I have always been a fan of your photography.You seem to know just when to add those special effects. The picure of the wharf restaurant(Ballyhoo) in your header is outstanding
Congratulations, you should be recognized for what you do with pictures. Great job!
Thanks Sue and Doogan!
Congratulations! They made a great choice. Keep on shooting!
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