I've always been drawn to old family photos, especially candid shots! A few friends and I would LOVE to start a line of cards with our combined family photos! So when I found a shoebox full, I couldn't resist!
For the love of God! Would you PLEASE take your stinky nylons off my head!

I'm not going out in this pussy little outfit and you can't MAKE me!

Really? You don't think it makes my hips look too big?
Go ahead! Put her down on the floor! Let's see if she barks!
Stick a bow in your hair and I PROMISE you -- no one's going to notice those braces!
The wiglet. Don't leave home without it!

Ready, Set, Go! Pet your present!
Well, this sucks! I wanted to sit on my dad's lap and drive the car. NOT mow the yard!
Widey Whities?!!!
YOU be the nurse. I get to be the cowboy!
P.S. You'll be glad to know I finally unearthed the Freckles picture! It was right on the wall in front of me in a frame! Here it is! (Freckles is the DOG!)

Those pictures are hilarious. I had to take a second look at the one with the three kids playing with the stuffed animals - I have a picture from my grandparents house with the same type of furnishings, and I even wore a red dress! Funny how time changes perception - nobody would have laughed at that bow at the time, now it does look rather odd. My hair ornament at that age was a bobby pin with something stuck on it.
Thanks for sharing!
LMAO! Love the picture of Jerry and Kirwin and the Widey Whities. I can't figure out who has the nylons on his head. Maybe Larry?
Jenny, it's ME! We're out at the Farrington's. Donny's in bed with a broken arm from my birthday bash. Larry has a store bought (devil?) mask. And there I am in whatever could be pulled out of a dresser drawer!
Sue, that was also my grandparent's house. And the positioning of that bow blew me away. I was always a tomboy and my mother tried everything to change the perception. Perms, bows, etc... HA! She'd still stick a bow in my hair if she could grab hold of me!
OMG! I love them! I have lots that are similar that I will have to dig out.
I hate to break it to you, but there is a line of cards like this already--we used to sell them at the store I work at. I'll try & find the name of the company for you--going back to work tomorrow.
OMG! I'm so blowing snot. I still cannot see any resemblance to you. Guess you could easily rob a bank. I knew that was Kip and thought maybe Donny was in the devil mask. But then that left an unknown boy in the bed.
The wiglet night - is that the night you fixed me up with Larry? LOL
Ann, I've even bought those cards! There are a couple of lines -- one where they've even released photo books and calendars! So we'd have stiff competition! HA!
Jenny, that wiglet picture was from the Fall Formal sophomore year when I was an Annual Queen candidate. I think my date was Buggy's future husband. He probably honked the horn and that's why there's no photo evidence. (Schmuck! He he he!)
LMAO those are tooooo funny Beck. I have some old pix of my cousins and me and I swear we could blend right in with you guys. I never wore a wiglet though in fact I've never heard that word. I remember girls uses to wear falls. It was lonf hair attached to a headband. LOL
Jeanie, falls were also from my era. My mother never allowed me to have one because she said long hair on me made my face look long. Ha! A wiglet was just a little thing they stuck on the back of the head and then ratted the hell out of it. I HATED it, but whenever I went to a formal dance, my mother sent me to the local beauty salon (Cubbie's) and they had their way with me. Then I would come home and try to mash all that backcombing down as best I could! (As she was beating on the bathroom door telling me not to mess with their artistic work! :D)
Like the white gloves! Think goodness you do not have acess to my old photos.
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