A friend of ours likes to refer to our pool as the cement pond (of Beverly Hillbilies fame). "Been in the cement pond today?"

Right before Labor Day, we discovered that it suddenly LOOKED like a cement pond!In the process of cleaning up after one of our lovely Arizona dirt storms, we noticed dirty star patterns on the pool floor around the in-floor jets. The pool store tested a water sample and said everything was fine, so Craig spent some extra time scrubbing with a stiff brush. After making no progress whatsoever, he decided to try a different pool store. Expert Number Two told him we'd just need to drain the pool in November and have it acid washed. Finally, a neighbor mentioned, "You may have algae!" Long story short, we did have algae and it needed to be disinfected like a gigantic toilet bowl. I suggested Tidy Bowl chlorine tabs, but the guy at the pool store said 4 bags of some type of chlorine concoction and another 2 bags of something else after that would do the trick. So we dumped a huge amount of chlorine into the saltwater pool and let it do the job. No scrubbing required! (I wish toilet bowls were that easy!) The pool was ready for swimming by the Labor Day BBQ (with a faint hint of eau de chlorine). The pool is now back to its beautiful pristine blue finish, but the days left in pool season are numbered. The overnight lows are now dropping into the 70's, so the water temperature is dropping. We'll put the solar cover back on in another week or so and that will buy us a little more summer fun. And then the pool will become a giant backyard water feature until next April or May!

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