Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It's a Process.

We're making progress!  Tomorrow we sign the papers on our current house.  Thursday the estate sale starts and finishes on Friday.  Friday afternoon they deliver the pods, and Saturday the movers load our stuff.

Today we made the trip south to meet our new postmaster (can't say that's happened since I left my little Kansas hometown back in the 70's) and set up our new mailbox so we'll have a forwarding address.  While we were in the neighborhood, we checked out the progress on our house.

We have stucco, some paint, and roof tiles. And there's no outhouse on the dirt out front!

The floor tiles are installed.

And we have a kitchen!  Unfortunately, those are not our cabinets, but the promised upgraded door and drawer fronts have arrived and are ready to install.  Can't remember if I told you about the kitchen cabinet debacle, but all's well that ends well.

Next door they've laid their granite.  (That's the term for the landscaping rocks here in Arizona.)

And construction trucks are no longer crowding Bighorn Drive.  I know the neighbors must be relieved!

We're cookin' with gas!

We topped off our daytrip with a stop at El Charro for a late lunch. 

Yesterday, we finalized the rental we'll be living in until we close on our new house on August 7th.  That place has gorgeous mountain views and lots of wildlife.  We're hoping to spot some javelinas.

I can't wait to just relax and take a long nap!  I haven't read a book since Mother's Day weekend.  We're looking forward to a three week vacation before we start the moving process all over again.

Ahhhhhh.  We're almost there.

It's a process.


  1. Becky, congratulations, your new home is beautiful!!! Good luck this weekend with the sale and the move.

  2. Thanks Janet! I'm pooped. The antique/estate dealer should be here in a few minutes, and today's sale will start later this afternoon. Hope it's a zoo! (That way I won't end up packing a lot of crap after tomorrow morning's sale.)

  3. Your new home is going to be beautiful. Know you're anxious to get settled!

  4. Thanks Lynda! I'm finally catching up on the blog!

  5. How's the house renovation going? I assume you’ve been settled for almost a month. You've chosen a beautiful place, and I think your house is going to be beautiful. I don't remember about the kitchen debacle, but I wonder what your upgraded kitchen drawers and cabinets look like. Keep us posted! =) Arthur @ContractorExpress.com

  6. What’s the kitchen cabinet debacle about? If those are not your cabinets, where are yours then? Should I assume that you have now settled in your new home after a lot of construction and the long-time renovation? Give us a tour of the remodeling and renovation. =) Byron @ TheRoofingCompany.com

  7. It’s slowly coming together here. This is probably finish by now. What happened to those kitchen cabinets? It's true that all of it can be painstaking. Moving could be a tedious course, particularly when there are renovations needed to be done. Dan, I.P.Q. Construction
