Sunday, June 30, 2013

Vintage Family Beach Shots

What does one do on a 118 degree day?   I decided to scan a few vintage photos into my laptop from all my sorting and tossing this morning.  I'm going through all the heavy family albums and pulling the best and tossing the rest.   I suppose if you live in the same house for a lifetime and have an attic, you save everything (and make your kids deal with it someday).  This will be the eighth move in our married life and we're downsizing, so I'm definitely over hoarding all this stuff.  Well . . . at least half of it!

I'm guessing this photo was shot on the beach at Newport, Oregon circa 1987.

Craig and Michael at sunset on the Washington shore.  We moved to Washington State in June 1987 and eagerly explored the Oregon and Washington beaches.

This one's a puzzle.  Michael's obviously driving a boat since there's water in the rearview mirror.  I'm guessing this photo was taken on one of the Duck Tours on Lake Union in Seattle.  Circa 1988 or 1989?

We have about 10 days left for sorting and packing, so I think I'll relax this afternoon.  Once the sun clears the pool around 5:30 or 6:00 p.m., we'll take a swim.  If you're out of the sun and in the water, you'd never know it's frying hot out there!

Stay cool my friends!



  1. I love vintage photos. When we moved into a motorhome our daughter inherited boxes and boxes; not just photos, but cards, newspaper clippings, notes When Mary passed recently we had a treasure trove of her in year's past. Priceless!

  2. Lynda, it's fun going through them. I've inherited three generations of old photos including tin types. I didn't have the heart to pitch those.
