Thursday, May 9, 2013

Juarez Chronicles

One of my favorite streets for taking pictures on the island is Juarez.  While Medina's the main dock/daytripper street and Hidalgo's the restaurant/shop street that caters to tourists, Juarez is the street for locals.  Many locals live, eat, and shop on the street, and it's a great place to sit and watch the island pass by.

Women walking down Juarez with their children.

 Iguana headed south on Juarez.  That was an unusual sighting for me.

Growing up, there was a grocery store with a huge collection of penny candy (those were the days) right across from my elementary school.   Dulceria Maria is located directly across from the elementary school on Juarez.  Good location in any country for a candy/snack store!

Chiapas woman walking down Juarez.

Love these old tiles in an older colonial home on Juarez.

There's a new door with wall murals on the street!

I'm Happy Being.  Nice sentiment.

This little casa on Juarez finally got a paint job.  (But it still has a gap at the bottom of the door that a chihuahua could walk under.)

Love the pink trim!

While a lot of Juarez is residential or small loncherias, there are still shops on the street.  Love these plates displayed on a curb.

One of the most photographed houses on the island.

Looking north on Juarez at sunset.

Looking south up Juaerez towards the Navy base after dark.  The lit door on the right  with the table and malatero trike out front is where the flan lady sells pieces to go at night.


Our door for the week on Juarez.  Arte + Diseno.

Evening customers on the patio at La Lomita.

Man carrying lumber up Juarez on his head.

A glimpse of the new patio at La Lomita.

One of my favorite doors on the street.

Need to rent a room?

Victor's Cafe Havana.

This abandoned building on Juarez has been Se Vende for years.  Someone needs to buy it!

The marquesita man parks his trike on Juarez across from the Navy base.

Shop on Juarez in El Centro.

La Susanita, a small concina economica.

Little garden on Juarez.

Don't forget it's a fishing village.  Someone has their nets stored in front of a Juarez casa.

Poc Chuc, a well-known restaurant with the familiar signboard on Juarez.


  1. Was looking for the flan lady in the zocalo, but it was night.... I wonder what her hours are? Apparently everybody knows except me.

  2. Sometime after dark. Some days, not others. ( :

  3. Juarez! Our street, home away from home. LOVE the photos Becky.

  4. A nice hommage to what is also my favorite street!
