Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday Grab Bag

We've breakfasted at Barlito, taken our morning walk, and now we're ready for a few hours at the beach.  Looks like a beautiful day for soaking in saltwater!  Before we go, I'll leave you with some miscellaneous shots from the last few days.

Pigeon enjoying a coco loco?

Speaking of coconuts, we try to stay out of the drop zone at the beach.

Blogging terrace.

Retro Bug with old school A/C.  

Must have coconuts on the brain today.

Walking the neighborhood at night.

My my senor.  That's a very large party hat!

Island time to go to the beach!


  1. Looks lovely, as always. It's too bad we'll miss you in June this year. Where are you staying in town? It's so nice you can go and stay for several weeks at a time. Can't wait for the day we are retired at that will be an option. Love reading your blog and hope you and Craig enjoy your last few days on the island!

  2. I like that blogging terrace. No wonder you're so inspired, just look at the subject matter. Great, fun photos. Lynda

  3. My family and I spent lots of time on the beach when I was younger. I think, finally, my time in the mountains, have caused me to want a bit of beach life again. Maybe later this summer I will find a beach.

  4. Sounds great Laurie! Mountains sound good to us because we've spent lots of beach time. Lynda, it's been fun. Janet, sorry we'll miss you in June. We got burnt out on the summer heat after coming here in June the past three years. I'll post later about where we stayed, but I'll send you a Facebook message.

  5. Love all of you pictures! I am curious where you stay while in heaven!

  6. LTL, we stay all over the island. This trip we spent 11 nights out at Casa Luna Turquesa on the airport strip in an upstairs studio, then the other 6 nights in a new studio, Arte+Diseno, on Juarez close to La Lomita.
