Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Give Me One Reason to Stay Here . . .

Give me one reason to stay here, and I'll turn right back around . . .

Oh, if only that would work!  We boarded our flight in Cancun yesterday afternoon and it left early.  I heard the purser tell the flight attendant to find the agent and get the papers because all seats on the plane were full.  (I lucked out and scored seat 10A in the bulkhead right by the door.)

I can think of hundreds of reasons to stay on Isla, but it's hard to find reasons to go.  Feel free to add some of your own to my fictional list.

The ATM is no longer spitting out pesos because your account is low on funds.

You've fallen and can't get up to go to the beach.  

You have ants in your bed.

The island has run out of cerveza.

Your skin and hair are torched and need a break from the tropical sun.
You feel some strange overwhelming need to get home and soak your clothes in oxyclean to remove the new stains that appeared when you took your clothes to Tim Pho.

You missed the latest Survivor episode and can't wait to find out who was voted off the island.

You got voted off the island!

The reasons to stay far outweigh reasons to go, but home and Saby were calling.  When I woke up this morning, I was mentally planning the day in my head.


 Fresh fruit and fresh orange juice for breakfast.

Beach time.

One of those BBQ pulled pork sandwiches from Barlito?  Geez, I'm torturing myself!

Some shopping?

 Maybe a ride around the island in the jyp?

Some people/iguana watching while we drink our afternoon frappe's at Mogagua?


Maybe a little siesta?

One last baked shrimp at Fredy's for dinner?

Another sunset in Paradise?

But alas, I'm soaking clothes in oxyclean while Craig mows the yard, cleans the pool, and gives Saby a bath.  Ugh.


  1. Next year's photo idea:
    Craig holding birthday cake so the setting sun looks like the flame atop his birthday candle!

    And you are forgiven for not showing photos of Saby's bath time-- I know as a feminist she opposes internet nudie pics.

  2. LOL Becky, I take my stained laundry TO Isla, because they know how to get the stains out!

  3. Jane, weird that it never works that way for me. Once I started taking clothes to Tim Pho, various stains started appearing. But they smell good! We once found a laundry in Bucerias, Mexico that got everything so white, Craig thought we should make a return trip and bring all our clothes!

    drgeo, curiously enough, we skipped the birthday cake in favor of coconut ice cream with chocolate topping at Rolandi's. Hmmmmmm. Maybe I need to get Craig a slice of carrot cake today!
