Friday, March 1, 2013

Random Friday Isla Pics

The Captain of his own fate.

One man's trash, another man's treasure!  (Would it fit in the overhead compartment?)

On the lam?

Mermaid Barbie!

Taxi!  I swear I'm going to try this next time I'm on the island.

Here's something random to put on your list of Isla must do's.  Have you ever purchased dessert from the lady who sells her cakes and flan on Juarez?  Sometimes in the evening, she sets the glass case up on top a table in front of her house.  We discovered her back in 2006 when we were staying on the airport strip and would walk in and out of town at night on Juarez.  Her house sits north of La Lomita towards the bottom of the hill as the street drops into El Centro.  I hadn't noticed her in a few trips, but friends bought their dessert there in November after we'd all eaten dinner at Victor's Cafe Havana.


  1. best flan in all the lan

  2. Oh my goodness, I visit her every night when I am on my vaca. She knows me well. On one particular night I bought the whole plate of flan, she was so gratefull. She got to go into the house to relax.

  3. Anon, bet she's glad when you're on the island! We'll be passing by there often in April and will have to take some home!
