Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Akumal Meanderings

While I'm thinking about Akumal and all the fun we had there, I decided to use some photos to jog my memory and tell a few stories.

One difference between Akumal and Isla Mujeres seems to be the animal situation.  I can only remember seeing one or two wandering dogs during our entire stay in Akumal.  The piles of dog doo were noticeably absent, so I'm guessing it's the norm for people to keep their pets on leash and pick up litter.

Several mornings, we saw this man driving a cart exercising this German shepherd.  Maybe someone should tie me to a cart!

Many Akumal residents obviously love dogs and cats . . . 

Others -- not so much.  Hope the perros y gatos can read.

Don't try to rein in these free rangers.  They wander where they want.  They don't need no stinkin' rules!

Large estates like the one above line the road along Half Moon Bay.  The road's very dark walking to and from town at night, but most properties have security guards on duty day and night.  We always felt very safe despite the dark road.

I did notice this guy lurking in the play yard by the local library.  He seemed an odd choice for the playground since he looks like Stranger Danger, but it appears he's some sort of billboard for reading.  Leer mas?

We did carry flashlights on our walks to town at night.  This is reason number one!  They were digging a trench alongside the road during our visit.

Rental bikes in Akumal are less than half the cost per day compared to Isla Mujeres, and the roads have much less traffic.  It's a great place to get around on bikes.  Just be sure to check the handlebars to make sure they're tightened lest you're pitched off the bike onto the hard asphalt.  I think I've already mentioned my fall from grace/public embarrassment about 20 times on this blog since November.  

Here's a strange story I'd almost forgotten until I saw this canoe.  We ate at this restaurant one night -- Cueva del Pescador.  It's located in the same general area of the village as Turtle Bay Bakery.  We sat down at a table in a quiet uncovered area in front of the restaurant, but decided to move to a table on the side porch when the sprinkles started.  That's when it got interesting.  A loud argumentative guy at the table next to us kept picking up a chair and swinging it at his waiter. Since the waiter had to get past the gatekeeper with the flying chair, service was a little slow.  I'll admit to being worried that we were going to take a chair upside the head before we could scarf down our fish entrees, but the restaurant staff seemed unconcerned.  The fish was very good, but we kept one eye on the drunk while we ate.  I'd definitely recommend the restaurant, but try and get a seat out in the garden area away from customers hurling chairs.  : )

I'll end this post with a pop quiz for my fellow travelers to Mexico.  What day of the week was this sunset photo taken?  (Sunday's in Mexico are the day when all the locals hang at the beach.)  I love it that everyone's there to enjoy the last light of a spectacular November day.


  1. Thanks Ann! I see I'm going to have to go back to the word verification settings.
