Wednesday, March 27, 2013

El Presidio Walking Tour

This afternoon, we left the sticks and drove into Tucson to hunt for the historic section of town.  We've tried several times in the past and failed to find anything but highrises, so I was determined this trip.  After driving round in circles in the downtown area, I finally spotted a street with a row of old buildings that looked like they'd been splashed with Easter egg colors.  Stop the car!  We'd happened upon the historic El Presidio district, a perfect place for a walking tour with my camera!


  1. Thanks for some wonderful ideas for our gate, now if I can only persuade Hubby to step out of his stern New England comfort zone...
    Island Nana

  2. Thanks Nana! I got some good ideas too!

  3. Just love all those vibrant colors. Great shots.

  4. Hi Becky - been to Tuscon, and never found this beautiful area! Great pics. Thanks.

  5. Wow, looks like Isla in a lot of ways. I'm here now - wish you guys were here too. It was a wonderful, beautiful day. - Helen

  6. wow, that pic of the pond [which looks VERY much like ours] was great- sent a copy to hubby because I want elephant ears this year next to the pond! Never thought of it until i saw yoru pic....Great pics as usual...I think we would LOVE Arizona...Sandia

  7. Lynda, it took us years to find it!

    Helen, sorry we missed you! We'll be there in a few weeks if you're still there.

    Sandia, if you ignore the weird politics, Arizona's a great place for climate and scenery!
