Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Posting from Bum Truck, Arizona

 We're way out in the Arizona sticks this week for some fun, sun, and relaxation. 

Typical gorgeous Arizona spring day with blue skies and cactus!

The local mall.

Time for this dried up rusted out biker dude to lose the Santa hat and strap on the bunny ears!

Craig tried to get me to pose in front of the outhouse, but I declined.  Watch out for scorpions under the lid!

Time to take down the Christmas lights?

My brother can do that!

Our fun day included some great food at the El Charro Cafe.  My green pollo enchiladas were very tasty!

Craig ordered the famous Original El Charro Beef Tacos, which actually had a hamburger patty in each fried shell.  It sounds a little bizarre, but he liked them!

On the way home tonight, a coyote dashed across the highway in front of the car.  The moon's full, the stars are bright, and what's that sound I'm hearing???  Dead quiet!  Lovin' it!


  1. Don't tell anyone but the beans and rice in the pic appeal to me more than the kind you get in Mexico.905

  2. Love the whirligig in the first photo. Looks like a fun place. It's always fun to get away, wherever!
